Sep 18Liked by Neelam Ahooja

I'm on the "hate with the power of a thousand suns" side of Tabis. I'm not sure why I have such a visceral reaction! I am with you on the manicures. I struggle to sit still that long, which is also the impediment to getting massages and facials that my friends enjoy so much.

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Oh it’s a very controversial and polarizing topic! “With the power of a thousand suns!”😂

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Sep 19Liked by Neelam Ahooja

Oh love this post. I feel so awkward having other people do my nails! After 7 years living in Indonesia I jumped on the bandwagon and it does make you feel polished. Also no way the manicurists are talking about you. You can tell when they are... I’ve eavesdropped enough!

Obnoxious shoes - good desc!

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Can’t go without them now!

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I am a huge Tabi fan, which is so funny because they don’t necessarily go with my personality. Maybe it’s because one of my trademarks is “exaggerated“ and I barely ever consider flattery. Or maybe it’s because they give contrast to some of my girlier things. Maybe it’s because I appreciate them as a tool. If I wear beautiful classic pieces that I like, I sometimes feel too lady and need a little ugly in the picture. MOOOOO! I loved reading this and lold 😚

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I hear you - I’m a contrarian too and so it would make more sense that I like them. They’re man repellers. I do appreciate them on others in certain instances but there something about the shape of that toe and that separation that gives me a creepy feeling.😂

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Sep 18Liked by Neelam Ahooja

Related to all of this! Thanks for sharing 😌😌

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Thanks for reading, glad you enjoyed it :)

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I love a point of view and critical thinking, thank you for sharing a refreshing perspective.

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You’re most welcome!

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Sep 18Liked by Neelam Ahooja

the nails-I too opted for the gel nails about a year ago but figured it couldn't possibly be good for my nails, I stopped after 4 manicures & it took about that many months to get my nails strong & healthy again. Maybe that's a ratio?

the shoes-always struggled to like the Tabis. Sometimes I think they're just messing with us to see what we're willing to do for fashion.

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I think the subset of people who were there from the beginning, really love them. Hard to tell the trend setters from followers now that every other person seems to be wearing them.

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I’d comment on the shoes (I’m with you on the love to hate is all I will say) but I would rather tell you that your writing is phenomenal and how much I love reading it. So glad you are here.

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Thank you so much Dina. That means a lot coming from you! I love how you write. Xoxo

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Sep 18Liked by Neelam Ahooja

.....maybe we were separated at birth.....even if I am from the USA and probably 10 years older than you. I have not gone to a fashion show in over 10 years and it is huge relief....I feel embarrassed to be such a clothes fan when I see the "groupies" !!! Help you are victims and I feel superior......that would be my father's cynical edge and my misanthropic leanings... We have 3 generations of women in my family who cannot sit through a manicure..... I am the worst! My nails are cut so short that the fingertip shows and now just to be more adult like I have them painted a deep red with a blueish cast.

I like to think of it as an accessory. They do not think I am even human in the nail salon and I really don't care at this stage..... how do these people have intimate conversations with their manicurist all in the vicinity one can hear, CRINGE !!!! Get me my red nails and I will enjoy watching them chip for an xtra week before I succumb to the torture again. You hit a bulls eye with the Tabi's... In fact I find them disturbing......keep thinking about animal feet...Yikes.....I follow many people on instagram but the thought of posting is so out of my wheelhouse that I rather have a root canal. There you have it, a hidden style maven never to be discovered.... but making outfits are a joy for me. In fact I used to get paid very well after 25 years in the apparel industry ..... I have also gotten use to the PTSD it left with me. Thank goodness for my humor...... Love your taste and selections......xxxs

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Oh wow! 👯 I’m sorry to hear about the PTSD, it happens to so many people in this space. Root canal!!! 😂 I hear you. Glad I wrote this piece, I hesitated but I knew I had to say these things out loud - even just to reach the few that feel this way and think they’re alone. 🤍

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Sep 18Liked by Neelam Ahooja

Love the post! Although I am nowhere close to being an influencer and probably closer to being an introvert than ambivert — still every paragraph, almost every line, hits home.

YES, the Tabis, but even more so the draining energy of big, loud, crowded events vs quiet meaningful conversations and the second-hand selfie embarrassment! Its so comforting to learn that like-minded people could be found everywhere, even in the most unlikely places imaginable ❤️

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And I loved reading your comment! I’m glad we found each other. It’s comforting to know we’re not alone. 🤍

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Sep 18Liked by Neelam Ahooja

I also hated getting my nails done and always did clear gel- but in a swift departure from the norm, i grew them out for a family wedding this summer - and freaking LOVED having them long and almond shaped- i even went red for a few weeks at the end of summer - back to short - but CHANEL VAMP. 💅🏽

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I need to give mine a break I think but honestly, they’re embarrassing even when cut short! I thought it was diet related but it isn’t. It’s genetics.

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Sep 18Liked by Neelam Ahooja

Wow! I didn't realize how very much alike we are - on ALL fronts above, lol! Loved this note, Neelam, and thank you for it :-) I still don't understand why girls want cloven hooves, but each to her own. xoxo

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😂Same same!!

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Sep 18Liked by Neelam Ahooja

Good read!! I was literally asking a girlfriend’s opinion on these today. After reading this I’m with you. My kids would think the same x

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Always check with the kids, they’re cringe barometers

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Sep 18Liked by Neelam Ahooja

I loved this post. I feel so strongly about my aversion to Tabis, to me they are the shoe equivalent of nails on a chalkboard. But to those who love them, enjoy! And I can't wait to go play in my closet, too. Ambiverts, unite!

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Haha! First, hi Ambivert, nice to meet you! Second, nails on a chalkboard 🤣 - I’m loving all the analogies they inspire!!

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Sep 18Liked by Neelam Ahooja

I’m a big fan of the tabis and think they look amazing on you. Luckily my teenage daughter thinks they are so cool and is all for me wearing them in public ;)

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Helps to have fans!! None to speak in my house ;)

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Sep 18Liked by Neelam Ahooja

I always wonder what the people in the nail salons are saying about my feet.

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And this is why I don’t do pedicures! Haha!

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Sep 18Liked by Neelam Ahooja

I have giant baby feet. Size 11 but chubby and I’m very self conscious about them. For the longest time I didn’t like showing them let alone have anyone touch them. (I also have a foot aversion) but I get pedicures now because my feet look so much better. But yeah I’m sure these ladies are definitely talking about how ginormous my feet are 😜.

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Literally laughing out loud!!!

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Sep 18Liked by Neelam Ahooja

So glad that my struggles bring you joy. 😂

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They are DEFINITELY talking about us! I’m going to use a voice translator app next time. Then again, maybe I don’t want to know. They’re very good at what they do and I need my nails groomed.

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Sep 18Liked by Neelam Ahooja

HA! I’m also naturally quite hairy and before I got lasered I’d get waxed and I know the ladies also discussed. I must sound really attractive with the hairiness and giant feet. Just call me Sasquatch.

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Sep 18Liked by Neelam Ahooja

I love the tabis, as a previous punk rock lady, I have always loved an obnoxious shoe. However, I totally understand why people would hate them, including my husband. lol.

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Obnoxious shoe!!! The perfect description!! Haha! They are very comfortable though, wish I liked them.

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